Amazing new image of Uranus shows 'luminous rings' on its bright Colors | newshux

The American space agency NASA has released a new image of Uranus, the seventh planet of the solar system, made by the James Webb Space Telescope. The rings around this planet in our solar system have never been seen as clearly as they are in this recent image.

image of uranus newshux

According to the US space agency

According to the US space agency, infrared waves and the James Webb telescope have carefully revealed the amazing circles in the planet's atmosphere and interesting data. Earlier, when the Wire 2 spacecraft flew by Uranus in 1986, its camera showed Uranus as a bluish-green ball with almost no visible features. Uranus is a planet with unique characteristics among the planets in the solar system. It is the only planet that rotates on its side at an angle of about 90 degrees in its orbit.

As Uranus rotates in this way, the poles of the planet face continuous sunlight for years and then remain dark for the same number of years. The rotation of the planet in this way also causes the intensity of the seasons there. A day on Uranus is 17 hours and 14 minutes long as it rotates diagonally in its orbit.

However, the one year it takes to complete its orbit around the Sun is equal to 84 years of our Earth, that is, one year of Uranus is equal to 30,687 Earth days. Uranus has 13 known rings (circles), and 11 of them are visible in this recent NASA web image.

Some colors appear so bright that there is a large bright ring. Uranus has 13 discovered rings and 11 of them are visible in this web image. Some rings appear so bright that they appear as a large ring. The image also shows Uranus' 27 'known' moons, most of them very small in size.

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