A community shield and Drills the EU's Recipe Against Cyberattacks Like those Of the Clinic

Brussels wants to take a new step forward in cyber security after various attacks have been perpetrated in recent days throughout the European Union, such as the one suffered by Hospital Clinic de Barcelona last month. This Tuesday, the European Commission proposed the creation of an emergency cyber security plan to prevent this type of intrusion, especially in critical sectors such as healthcare, logistics or energy, or to intervene more quickly. 

Thus, the member states and the European institutions will conduct simulations of cyberattacks on different bodies, such as a hospital center or a public administration, and the European Union will provide services specialized in this kind of offensive to the state security forces to help them to appease them as before the best.

The community executive has also proposed the construction of a shield at the scale of the European Union to detect and prevent possible cyber attacks against different member states. The framework, which will have funding of 1.1 billion euros, will be made up of operations centers distributed throughout the community territory and in all the member states. These bodies would come into operation from 2024 and would coordinate cyber security at a community level, as well as the coordination and transfer of information between the Twenty-seven against possible computer attacks .

A cyber security academy

The European Commission admits that there is a lack of professionals trained in cyber security and that it is difficult to find them. For this reason, as he had been asked by different member states, he plans to launch a cyber security academy to prepare future workers in the sector and end the lack of experts. Initially, the academy will have only an online service and will bring together private and public initiatives from the university and working worlds to prepare professionals in the sector from all over the European Union.

In the virtual academy, it will also be possible to obtain certificates that certify on a European scale the level and type of skills of workers specialized in cyber security. "The package of initiatives in cyber security shows that if we act in a coordinated way we can build infrastructure and improve our skills and capabilities to deal with the growing threat of cyber-attacks", said the Vice-President and Commissioner for Digitalization of the European Commission, Margarethe Vestager.

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